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Every Sunday Morning at 10:00 AM

Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.

1 Timothy 4:13


Nursery / Pre-Kindergarten

Connie Erwin
Beth Fortner

Help toddlers discover that GOD is LOVE and that He loves them. Toddlers will learn that the BIBLE is GOD SPEAKING to them and that the BIBLE is always the TRUTH. Lessons feature fun learning activities that allow youngsters to play, explore and touch as they learn the TRUTH of GOD’s Word.

Kindergarden - 1st and 2nd Grades

Dave Erwin

Lou Ann Ruckert
Teaching kindergarten / first graders about the BIBLE is a wonderful and unique challenge that is a true pleasure. Each week, lessons are presented with an interactive BIBLE story, review activities, memory verse, fun activities for BIBLE exploration and more! These precious little ones are encouraged to take what they have learned and share it with their family and friends during the week.

Primary - 3rd and 4th Grades

Gary Fryer
Molly Keresty

Our primary age students are guided in their thinking and encouraged to retell the BIBLE-based lessons discussed each week. Our children are given opportunities to respond with each other in LOVE as the lesson is applied to them. Weekly lessons include motivational starters, engaging BIBLE stories, review ideas, memory verses, fun activities and real-life applications.  This is a great age group for preparing these young minds to understand GOD’s Word and His LOVE for them.

High School 7th through 12th Grade

Kevin Phillis
Dave Snyder

Shaping the moral and spiritual development of teenagers each Sunday is so important. Our weekly lesson topics are guided and designed to help teens make a successful transition from simply believing in GOD to owning their faith and living it out.  Lessons are taken from both the Old Testament and New Testament.


Jim Culler II
Jim Culler

Our Adult Class is open to all men and women who are interested in studying BIBLE-based lesson topics – like The Beatitudes, the Harmony of the Gospels, and Living for Jesus. Weekly, coffee (and even doughnuts some weeks) is provided to warm the class up to the lessons being presented.

During Sunday Morning Worship

Connie Erwin
Tom & Beth Fortner
Steve & Louann Ruckert

Oak Grove Church of Christ is pleased to offer a children’s ministry for students in grades one through six.

This program captures the attention of the students and creates a learning experience instead of merely teaching a lesson. This fast paced, highly interactive program is Bible driven and offered during the Sunday morning worship hour.

Every lesson contains multiple video segments that grab the attention of the children and “spark” their interest in the subject matter for the day. They are filled with hilarious characters and wacky situations while remaining fast-paced.

The lessons address topics like self-worth, bullying, overcoming sinful habits, and more. Rather than feeling like they are learning truth from an “old” book, the children feel like they are learning biblical answers to the issues they are wrestling with on a daily basis. All of this is done using the latest technology and methods, so the children feel right at home.

The students memorize a Bible verse and use practical suggestions to apply each lesson to their own lives.

While this program is structured for children, any parent or adult is welcome to visit and experience this exciting and uplifting program.

Oak Grove Church of Christ is committed to educating its youth about following Christ and finding the hope of eternal salvation.

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